Yeast infections are basically a type of fungal infections that are medically called body thrush or candidiasis. Depending on their triggering factor, there are a lot of types of yeast infections. The good news is that yeast infections are almost never fatal and they are incredibly easy to treat and cure. Some of the most widely spread symptoms of yeast infections include skin irritation, itching and inflammation. Of course, these symptoms mostly depend on the body part that got infected. One other interesting fact about yeast infections is that the symptoms may have a different manifestation, depending on what type of yeast infection the patient is dealing with. Patients should keep in mind that there have been some more severe cases of yeast infections that have led to some dangerous and quite difficult and unwanted complications. Most of these cases of yeast infections were caused by other health related issues like a weakened immune system.

Yeast infection causes

What triggers yeast infections?Like we mentioned before, yeast infections are quite common among people who have a weak immune system. This is the case of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) patients, AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency symptoms) patients, cancer patients and any other person that suffers from a disease which can damage their immune system. In these cases the symptoms range from itchiness and skin inflammation to some more severe reactions like painful chaps and burning sensations.

If left untreated yeast infections can rapidly spread. For instance a yeast infection that is located in the mouth area can travel all the way down to large and small intestines, affecting on its way the esophagus and the pharynx. Yeast infections can also affect the anal and genital areas which are the least ones exposed both to air circulation and sunlight. The presented symptoms in these cases are itchiness and inflammation and they can be doubled by genital discharge if the severity of the condition has managed to escalate into something more severe.

What triggers yeast infections?Patients should know that despite of the fact that yeast can naturally occur in the human body without causing any harm, if the body is not able to control it from spreading uncontrollably, things can get very serious and very harmful for their health. And speaking of health, yeast infections and yeast overgrowth may still occur in people who are clinically healthy and have no health issue. This usually occurs to persons who overreact when it comes to their personal hygiene. Believe it or not, there is such a thing as cleaning yourself too much.

Yeast infections can also be caused by a number of several other factors such as hormonal therapy, birth control and even antibiotics. All these medications can possibly produce a hormonal imbalance which leads to yeast overgrowth.

Despite the fact that yeast infections are not seen as a disease that can be sexually transmitted, the fact that it can be transmitted through mere skin contact says otherwise. In order to avoid any unpleasant situations, the best course of action would be to see a physician so that he can determine just how severe the infection is and to recommend a treatment.

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